Saturday, May 21, 2011

Growing Alfredo

December 2010

Many of you have met “baby Alfredo”, who was born pre-mature & has been very ill ever since. Well, he is now “growing Alfredo”! About 7 months ago, this 4 year old boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy by a Doctor in Playa (via Angel Notion). Eduardo, the dentist who periodically goes to E.B., recommended that we take him to a rehabilitation center in Cancun (C.R.I.T. Foundation: Center of Rehabilitation for Infants/children of “Teleton”). There are many professional doctors and therapists working with about 900 children, with a variety of handicaps. This foundation is well known in Mexico & is funded by the state government, events & donations from large companies. There are 17 CRIT locations within the country, right now. After an interview, it was decided that Alfredo’s family would only have to pay between $.50 and $1 USD per appointment. Liboria is very comfortable with the genuine concern, friendly attitudes & high level of respect from all of the people within CRIT!

Each month, I drive them to & from Cancun for 3 consecutive days (thanks to Kate, who has let me borrow her car for over a year now!). Alfredo’s mother, Liboria , has been meeting with professionals in areas such as: social integration, pediatric, nutritionist, neurologist, psychologist, & human communication. Alfredo has been meeting with therapists in areas such as: speech, physical, visual stimulation, swimming (water exercises), & daily living activities. It has been such a blessing to be able to watch both of them improve & grow in many ways! Alfredo’s muscles are developing, he can sit in a chair, he can say “mama” & is using hearing aids now! P.T.L. (Praise the Lord)!! I am so proud of Liboria, because now she can follow the schedule & is leading ME around the building. She communicates directly to the doctors with confidence & asks questions when she has doubts. She is now learning how to use a cell phone (thanks to Kate for the donation!). On top of all this, I get to watch them experience many things for the first time, like using a stovetop, going on an escalator & getting on a big bus! Liboria travels 3.5 hours by bus to Playa & is becoming a “city” girl at the age of 27! We have also made time for some fun activities like eating at a restaurant, going to see the dolphins, & attending bible studies & church services. Her 2 daughters (8 & 9 years old), came on their school vacation for a week, to play in the sand and swim in the ocean for the first time! What a blast!

Angel Notion had another mission with doctors from Michigan, and Alfredo finally got his hernia operation, in November! All went well and he recovered quickly, PTL! His parents were trying to get the surgery done in Valladolid City since he was 2 years old; but each time that they brought him in for a consultation, they were told that he was not ready. They were so relieved by how fast, easy, and successful the procedure was in Playa! Most importantly, he is not experiencing the pain that he used to when he coughs (which is quite frequent!). Thanks to Dr. Manzana, Lavana & all the employees at Angel Notion for making a difference in Alfredo’s life!

Liboria brought a hammock to the “Hamaca Arte Store” in Playa to pay her part of the operation ($3000 pesos total). It hasn’t sold yet, so we will go to other stores & schools to see if they would be willing to display her hammock.

Ana, Peter & family have decided to help the children in the village. On their first visit to E.B. they heard about the mal-nutrition infants & toddlers. They have been sending money to purchase baby formula, baby bottles & soy meat. Recently, Ana told me to put some of the money towards the operation for Alfredo! This family has decided to continue to support the children in the village – MUCHAS GRACIAS!

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