Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bus update

November 2010
The new mayor, Gregorio, became the chauffeur for the 1st school bus in E.B.. He began driving 4 handicapped children to the special needs school in Temozon (20 minutes away). He was also transporting 15 kids to the secondary schools, every day since September. Some kids have returned to school, just to be able to ride the yellow school bus! Isn’t that awesome!? PTL! Well, the bad news is that it only lasted 1.5 months. The government had agreed to pay for the gas; but then when the new President came into office, he said he was only willing to pay half. The parents are pitching in, a total of 100 pesos per week. They still need to raise 600 pesos (about $60 USD) per month, to be able to start using the bus again.

This special needs school has been helping these 4 children to learn & grow, since they inscribed a year ago! At age 13, Jose is now standing, on his own and walking with a walker- a huge accomplishment! Ronda, Vonda & Cindy (from Oregon & Idaho) were so excited to be there to see Jose walking & to be greeted with a big smile and bear hug from Maria-Imelda, Jose’s sister! These ladies purchased a hammock from Jose's mom, to help with the expenses for their education (every hammock purchased makes a BIG difference, so thanks ladies!). Some of you may remember a couple of years ago, a mission team purchased a tricycle for them, because they were using toddler bikes to strengthen their legs. Their grandfather used to ride with Jose into the woods to look for firewood (before passing away 2 years ago). The two handicapped girls, Maria and Celena , are improving little by little. Please be praying for the gasoline to be provided so that these children can continue attending this school!

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