Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spirtual Growth

I was led back to live in casa # 7 with Gaudalupe (Lupe) and family (some of you may remember the story of how I was led there in the fall of 2008)! I believe that she and her husband, Andres, will become spiritual leaders in the village some day. They have commented that they like the perspectives and teachings that I share with them. It touches their spirits as truth! They pray with me before meals and bedtime. They do devotional reading and meditations with me. Their ears and eyes are wide open, as well as their hearts. They ask for prayer when in need. For example, Andres’ sister, who is 40 years old, had to spend the night in the hospital at 6 months pregnant with twins. After putting it in the Lord’s hands, they felt peace. They are hungry and thirsty to go deeper with their Heavenly Father.

During the Friday night bible study, Lupe said that they are like babies, learning and growing. We were discussing the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1. I shared a personal experience that night: A few nights ago, I was walking home to my palapa, crying over the fact that my IPOD was being charged and I’d not be able to sleep without my Christian music. I thought about finding comfort in food instead; until the Holy Spirit asked me what the TRUE source of comfort is! The tears stopped! I went to my bed (hammock) and felt His peace come over me, and fell into a deep sleep!! Lupe and Claudia said, “Wow, you can talk to God. You are much closer to Him than us!” I explained that they too can have this intimacy and conversations with the Living God! Some day Lupe will be leading this bible study!

The hammock/solar oven exchange got me into Almi’s casa, which led to her prayer request for a healthy pregnancy. She too is expecting and in her late 30’s. (Due in October!) She opened up to ask me about church and baptism. I shared my beliefs on water and Holy Spirit baptisms. We agreed that the church is the people versus a building! Later in the week, she hosted the solar cooking workshop. We cooked refried beans in about 5 hours… LISTO (ready)!!

Again, the relationships that God is building are so vital to the plan God has for Ek Balam.

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